1. Lilac Wide Washi Tape Setup Idea
2. Waves of Rebun Washi Tape Setup Idea
3. Dreamland Gilded Washi Tape Setup Idea
4. Lilac Wide Washi Tape Setup Idea
5. Waves of Rebun Washi Tape Setup Idea
6. Academia Washi Tape Setup Idea
7. Planner's Washi Tape Setup Idea
8. Phoenix Washi Tape Setup Idea
9. Lilac Wide Washi Tape Setup Idea
10. Nature's Bounty Washi Tape Setup Idea
11. Chonky Cat Washi Tape Setup Idea
12. Valley of Flower Stamp Setup Idea
13. Dream Catcher Stamp Setup Idea
14. Phoenix Washi Tape Setup Idea
15. Washi Tape Setup Idea
16. Valentines Washi Tape Setup Idea
17. Starry Sky Washi Tape Setup Idea
18. Doodley Friends Washi Tape Setup Idea
19. Galaxy Washi Tape Setup Idea
20. Lilac Wide Washi Tape Setup Idea
21. Phoenix Washi Tape Setup Idea
Wow!! I am so glad to come across this ideas; all these ideas are absolutely gorgeous. A day ago, I’ve placed my order and I am quite excited to play around with the washi tape. Thank you thewashitapeshop for sharing an inspiration.
Absolutely stunning, (shame about the spelling on some of the pages)
I absolutely love each and every one…fabulous…thank you for sharing some creative ideas ❤️
Love all these wonderful ideas and new tapes♥️♥️
Absolutely love receiving these bullet journal set up ideas. Thanks so much for your inspiration and beautiful washi tapes.